Orchestrate All the Things
Orchestrate all the Things podcast: Connecting the Dots with George Anadiotis
ScyllaDB’s incremental changes: Just the tip of the iceberg. Featuring ScyllaDB CEO & Co-founder Dor Laor

ScyllaDB’s incremental changes: Just the tip of the iceberg. Featuring ScyllaDB CEO & Co-founder Dor Laor

Is incremental change a bad thing? The answer, as with most things in life, is "it depends". In the world of technology specifically, the balance between innovation and tried and true concepts and solutions seems to have tipped in favor of the former. Or at least, that's the impression reading the headlines gives. Good thing there's more to life than headlines.

The ScyllaDB team is one of those who work with their garage doors up and are not necessarily after making headlines. They believe that incremental change is nothing to shun if it leads to steady progress.

Compared to the release of ScyllaDB 5.0 in ScyllaDB Summit 2022, what ScyllaDB Summit 2023 brought could be labeled “incremental change.” But this is just the tip of the iceberg, as there's more than meets the eye here.

We caught up with ScyllaDB CEO and co-founder Dor Laor to discuss what kept the team busy in 2022, how people are using ScyllaDB, as well as trends and tradeoffs in the world of high performance compute and storage.

Article published on The New Stack